Figure Humaine | A solo show by Katarzyna Gajewska

September 13 - September 29, 2018

Figure Humaine _ A solo show by Katarzyna Gajewska

We're delighted to announce the launch of Katarzyna Gajewska's new solo exhibition 'Figure Humaine'

The opening night is on Thursday 13th of September | 6-8pm.

The show runs until Saturday 29th September.

Here is a forward from gallery owner, Martin Davis:


"I was first introduced to Katarzyna Gajewska`s work when we showed her in a group show in our Gallery in Cavan in 2007.
It wasn`t long after that I met her in her studio in Foley street and she introduced me to her inner world of art, and I was instantly struck by the intensity and boldness of her expression which nevertheless still emanated a tenderness and fragility in it`s uniqueness.

Katarzyna`s father was a art historian in Warsaw, and it was this early influence which steered Kat to Art. Poor health while growing up meant she spent endless hours at home from school pouring over her Dad`s art books. She loved the work of Andy Warhol and the abstract expressionists which was indeed daring for a young girl in Iron Curtain Poland, but love of free expression persisted as she grew and concluded academically with first class honours art degree from Warsaw university.

Soon after, she moved to Dublin and during the late noughties and into the next decade, Kat`s work sold profusely in Dublin, and at one specific art fair in London, her work sold out despite fierce international competition from hundreds of other artists.
Then she gave birth to her wonderful son Antos, but owing to major medical errors during the delivery, she was subjected to years of debilitating illnesses and invasive surgery, which threatened to derail not only her art career but also her very existence.

She never wavered however, in her life`s passion of expression through art, and these very experiences fed heavily into her evolving expression through paint and theme.

Figure Humaine is the culmination of this experience thus far, and in the works you will see her expert and unique handling of the human form, but not just in its gross manifestation but in all the myriad of subtle emotions the human experiences. There is few who can match her insight as a living experiencing being in a female covering who expresses the raw truths of life with compassionate rendering. Her greatness in achieving this can be experienced with how easily she converses with literary greats as varied as Ginsberg and Beaudelaire. Be assured of this wonderful artistic and poetic expression and enter her inner world of Figure Humaine and be profited by the experience."

Martin Davis

Click on link below to book your free tickets: