Asymmetrical Warfare | Conor Walton

October 1 - October 22, 2020

Asymmetrical Warfare _ Conor Walton

Thursday October 1 sees the opening of “Asymmetrical Warfare” an exhibition by Conor Walton at Sol Art Gallery, The Times Building, D`Olier St Dublin.

Conor Walton is undoubtedly one of Ireland`s most outstanding figurative painters.

However it is his unique narrative that singles him out as an artist of highly distinctive ability.

He deals with the big issues, God, Nature, Science and Destiny.  Sometimes he is playful, sometimes morbidly serious. He can revel in satire or can prod with irony.

He uses his background in art history as another tool to goad the viewer, drawing him into conversation on uncomfortable issues, “Dancing along cultural fault lines” he calls it.

Whether it is a space race with Mr Musk and his disciples, a journey into the alt right with Mr Trump, politics, sociology, religion and indeed the “New Religion”, Conor is not only current but even prophetic as he delineates current trends and styles before he presents them to the viewer in a provoking manner to elicit a response.

His love, understanding and admiration of the classic painters like Bellini, Leonardo and Titan facilitate his appetite to emulate their scale, and in “An Ape`s limbs compared to mans” we have a modern classic which surely affects the modern viewer equally as the classicists did their audience.

Please find included some of the works that will be on show, and please make your way around to the exhibition which runs from October 1 to 22, Sol Art Gallery, Unit 3, D`Olier Street, Dublin 2.

Click on line below to view full catalogue including prices:

Full Asymmetrical Catalogue | Conor Walton